Dog & Cat Vaccinations


Vaccinating your pet sets them up with an immunity against diseases that can be found in the dog and cat population: 

Routine Dog Vaccinations Routine Cat Vaccinations 
C3 (canine parvovirus, canine distemper virus, infectious hepatitis) F3 (feline panleukopaenia virus, feline herpes virus and feline calici virus) 
C2 (Parainfluenza and Bordatella bronchiseptica) FIV (feline immunodeficiency virus) particularly for cats spending any time outdoors


Vaccination is so important but it must also be balanced against the need for socialisation. We use an age-based vaccination program that provides earlier protection than others meaning you can get your puppy out and about earlier in life.  

If you would like to discuss your pets needs or would like to book an appointment call us now on (07) 3871 3888.