Do You Have An Emergency?

Unsure? Don't Risk It.

Call Us 3871 3888

If it is outside of regular hours call  The Animal Referral Hospital (3172 0593.)

These are Urgent Concerns

Your Pet Needs Help Today

  • Distress
    Whether it's their's or yours, we care about you both.

  • Pain
    No pet should have to endure pain when we can do so much to help.

  • Eye Problems
    Eyes are very delicate and things can go wrong very quickly.

  • Painful/Fresh Broken Tooth
    Dental pain is awful, we will help.

  • Torn Nail
    Dogs and Cats lick these which can lead to infection

These are Emergencies

Call Us Immediately 3871 3888

Sudden inability to urinate or defecate
Signs include straining without producing urine or stool.
Severe bleeding
Uncontrolled bleeding or bleeding that doesn't stop within a few minutes.
Sudden weakness or collapse
Inability to stand, walk, or sudden onset of extreme lethargy.
Ingestion of toxic substances
Including medications, human foods (like chocolate, grapes/raisins, xylitol), or household chemicals. 
Difficulty giving birth
Prolonged contractions without delivery of a puppy or kitten.
Difficulty breathing
Rapid or labored breathing, wheezing, or excessive panting.
Any significant injury such as being hit by a car, falling from a height, or any visible wounds.
Bloated or distended abdomen
Especially if accompanied by restlessness, pacing, or discomfort.
Repeated vomiting or diarrhea
Especially if accompanied by lethargy, pain, or blood in vomit or stool.
Seizures or convulsions
Any sudden onset of uncontrolled tremors or seizures.

Exceptional Pet Care in the Western Suburbs of Brisbane

Below you will find contact information for our Veterinary Hospital on the border of Taringa and Toowong . Please contact us to make an appointment!

39 Campbell St.
Toowong QLD 4066, Australia
Weekdays: 7:30am-6pm
Sat: 8am-1pm
Sun: Closed

Contact Taringa Vets