Cat Friendly Clinic

Cat Friendly Taringa
Feline Friendly Practice Taringa

We are passionate about our feline friends and so when we expanded our practice in 2022 we turned to the International Society of Feline Medicine (ISFM) guidelines for creating a feline friendly practice. 

It took some time to ensure that we had provided them with the very best environment but we are super proud to announce that earlier this year we were successful in achieving Accreditation with them as a Cat Friendly Practice - no less than Gold Standard too!

This means we have met their very strict criteria of facility and equipment standards, as well as their mandatory education expectations for our team particularly focussed on how to approach and handle cats gently with care.

We encourage you to visit their website. ISFM | International Cat Care (

Not only to read more about how this will help improve vet visits for you and your cat but also because, as a world recognised leader in this field, they have lots of useful content that you might enjoy. 

Alternatively, reach out by e-mail or phone (07) 3871 3888 (or even request a comprehensive tour!) and we can explain this to you in detail.