
The decision about whether to and when to desex is an important one for every pet guardian.

For cat’s it’s usually straight forward we almost always do it between 5 and 6 months. That is not only because it is best for their health but also by this time many little boy cats are starting to get on the nose while the girls can be driven so wild by their raging libido that life becomes miserable for everyone in their household!

Dogs are a little more complex as recent research has uncovered that for some pets there are good reasons to wait a little while longer.

When we are making this decision with you we evaluate a few things including:

Your personal feelings about the process

  • Your lifestyle
  • Your home environment
  • The breed of your pet.
  • The temperament of your pet.
  • Any health conditions or predispositions.

We typically have this discussion at your pet’s 6 month adolescent health check.

If you would like to discuss your pets needs or would like to book an appointment call us now on (07) 3871 3888.

Desexing FAQ's